
Clean your baby’s gums with gauze or warm washcloth after feedings.
Don’t dip baby pacifiers in sugar or sweet liquids.
Don’t use fluoride toothpaste until your baby is at least 24 months old.
Schedule your baby’s first dental visit no later than six months of age. We will review important oral healthcare needs with you for the transition from infant to toddler.

Show your toddler how to brush their teeth by setting an example.
Give them a soft bristle toothbrush with a flexible head and a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste.
When brushing, start on the inside of teeth then work your way outward with the bristles angled toward the gum line.
Try to keep your toddler from swallowing any toothpaste.
Start the brushing and flossing routine early. Pick a consistent time for your toddler to brush their teeth in the morning and before bed.
Begin a regular flossing routine. Floss with a waxed, child-friendly floss before brushing is a good idea to wash away dislodged food particles.
Schedule twice-yearly dental appointments with your dentist. Toddlers can be more prone to cavities and other oral health disorders, so we can help ensure quality dental care during this critical time.
Implement a reward system. Toddlers respond well to positive reinforcement. Provide small rewards, like reading an extra story with them for brushing their teeth every night.

Schedule regular dental appointments and pediatric dental check-ups.
Provide healthy snacks for school lunches, like celery with cream cheese, nuts, Greek yogurt with berries, and salads.
Limit sugar consumption. We know this is a tough one, but children ages 5-12 will develop harmful snacking habits without proper guidance.
Buy a new soft bristle toothbrush every 3 months. Make your child part of the process by letting them pick out the color or design.
If your child participates in sports, you might consider having them fitted for a mouth guard.
Watch out for juices and soft drinks! Children love them, but they are a primary cause of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health hazards. Go with water and non-sweetened drinks instead.
Keep track of daily brushing habits. At minimum, your child should brush once in the morning and once at night.
Settle on a schedule. Just like toddlers, connecting brushing habits to bedtime is a good idea to create a routine for them.
Pay attention to teeth alignment. Many kids will require braces, so make an appointment with an orthodontist no later than age 7 to ensure optimal dental health. Orthodontists should see your child while their jaw is still developing to proactively troubleshoot issues.

Stay on track. The positive habits your children built from infancy to childhood should continue through the teenage years. This is the “final stage” of positive dental health parenting – it’ll be over before you know it, so finish strong!
Encourage your teen to brush 2-3 times per day, and floss at least once per day.
Keep tabs on wisdom teeth. The arrival of wisdom teeth can cause pain and discomfort, misaligned teeth, and possibly mouth infections. If you’re not sure about wisdom teeth, schedule an appointment with us.
Have your teen fitted for a mouth guard if they participate in any physical activities or sports.
Get a new toothbrush every 3 months.
Encourage a healthy diet. Try to limit excessive sugar consumption, and avoid too many processed carbohydrates and sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup.